Mark your
calendar now for Nonprofit Day!
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Center for Nonprofit Excellence is proud to present
Nonprofit Day 2009, sponsored by BKD, LLP. The event will feature
educational breakout sessions, more than 25 exhibitors, and keynote speaker Dr.
Paul Light.
In 2008, more than 300 local nonprofit professionals came
together to learn and to network. Nonprofit Day is the opportunity to
celebrate the outstanding work being accomplished by our nonprofit community
throughout the year.
Exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities are now available!
For more information, contact Donna at 575-4341.
Click here to register
as an exhibitor, or click
here for sponsorship opportunities.
Keynote Speaker:
Paul C. Light is NYU Wagner's Paulette Goddard Professor of Public Service and
founding principal investigator of the Organizational Performance Initiative.
Until joining NYU, Dr. Light served as the Douglas Dillon Senior Fellow at the
Brookings Institution, founding director of its Center for Public Service, and
vice president and director of the Governmental Studies Program. He has served
previously as director of the Public Policy Program at the Pew Charitable Trusts
and associate dean and professor of public affairs at the University of
Minnesota's Hubert Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs.
Light has written 18 books, including the award-winning Thickening
Government and The Tides of Reform. He is also a co-author of a
best-selling American government textbook, Government by the People.
His research interests include: bureaucracy, civil service, Congress,
entitlement programs, executive branch, government reform, nonprofit
effectiveness, organizational change, and the political appointment process.
Nonprofit Day 2009 Presenting Sponsor:
Event Sponsors:

Recognizing Nonprofit Day 2009 Sponsors:
American National Bank
Big Fish Marketing
Care and Share
Cheyenne Village
Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable
Colorado Springs Leadership Institute
Community Resource Center
Crowne Plaza
Directors of Volunteers in Agencies (DOVIA)
Disability Services of Colorado
Dr. Paul Light
El Pomar Foundation
El Pomar Nonprofit Resource Center
Food Share America
Front Range Executive Service Corps (FRESC)
Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado
Goodwill Industries of Colorado Springs
Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce
KCME 88.7 FM Classical Music
La Foret Conference and Retreat Center
Leadership Pikes Peak
Pikes Peak United Way 2-1-1
Pikes Peak Workforce Center
Pinnacol Assurance
Regis University
Safe Passage
Standards for Excellence Institute
Touching the World
UCCS School of Public Affairs
Vectra Bank
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.