Nonprofit Advocacy: It Matters!
The Center for Nonprofit Excellence is a champion for all missions. Advocacy is at the core of our mission and at the core of our country’s history. Even before our nation was formed, people assembled in groups to make change happen and influence public decision-making. Advocacy is all about advancing YOUR organization’s mission. CNE works in partnership with the Colorado Nonprofit Association to apprise members and the Pikes Peak region of local, state, and federal issues that could impact the sector.
Hope without a strategy doesn’t generate leadership. Leadership comes when your hope and your optimism are matched with a concrete vision of the future and a way to get there. Seth Godin
Be a Champion for Your Cause
Yes You Can!
Advocating is about advancing your mission. Nonprofit advocacy and lobbying is totally legal, too. In fact, many of the public policies we have today came from nonprofits lobbying for their causes. Don’t believe us? Learn more about how Congress, the IRS, and the Constitution protect the rights of nonprofits.
Economic Impact Survey
Nonprofits make an enormous impact on our community! In 2012, CNE partnered with Summit Economics and UCCS School of Public Affairs to launch an economic impact survey of nonprofits in the Pikes Peak region. This was the first comprehensive study of its kind in our region in 10 years.
Colorado Resources
Advocacy is easy! There are many resources available to inform you about the legislative process, connect you with your legislator, and understand lobbying rules for nonprofits. Our partner to the north, CNA has a bunch of great resources to assist your advocacy efforts, including public policy updates and a public policy toolkit.
Find Your Voice
Advocacy starts with the board. The Stand for Your Mission campaign is an ongoing effort to build awareness about the importance of board advocacy. Learn more from the campaign about engaging your board and also check out additional resources from the nation’s leading source of nonprofit info, the National Council for Nonprofits.