Youth Volunteer Opportunities

Agency: Pikes Peak Library District Youth Advisory Council (YAC)

Main Contact: Jill Carpenter

Title: Young Adult Services Coordinator

Phone: 531-6333, x1306



The Pikes Peak Library District Youth Advisory Council (YAC) works with teen services staff to represent the interests of teens in the library. YAC members help plan special library programs and services for teens, recommend and review materials, and suggest ways in which teen services can be enhanced throughout the district. The Youth Advisory Council is also responsible for planning and coordinating the Teen Summer Reading Program each year. During the school year the YAC meets one evening a month at two different locations, the East Library and the Penrose Library.   

The Youth Advisory Council is composed of members between the ages of 11 and 18 who are in at least the sixth grade. 

How to Join:

To join the Youth Advisory Council, fill out the online membership application form or pick up a paper form at any library branch and turn it into the East Library.

Agency: The Kennedy Center Imagination Celebration

Main Contact: Beth Fox-Kret

Phone: 597-3344



The goal of The Kennedy Imagination Celebrations is to expose youth to the arts and to broaden their experiences while at the same time providing these opportunities at affordable prices.  Their hope is that by exposing youth to the arts, youth will begin to form positive peer-to-peer networks.   

How youth can volunteer:

Starting in July, youth can volunteer to sit on a steering committee for the kickoff party for “It Takes 5.”  It Takes 5 is a program that allows youth to go see art performances, etc for only $5.00.  For more information on this volunteer opportunity, please contact Beth. 

Agency: Pikes Peak Youth Council and Teen Congress

Main Contact: Jennifer Vogt-Crockett

Phone: 385-6945



The Pikes Peak Youth Council serves as a communication link between Colorado Springs teens and Colorado Springs City Council.  It is advised by Teen Congress, a larger group of teens who represent individual high schools.

The PPYC is an important voice for teens in the Colorado Springs area.  Its goals are to identify issues that affect the region's youth, advise City Council on these matters, make recommendations to City Council, and implement solutions to solve problems.

The Pikes Peak Youth Council started as the Teen Action Council (TAC) in 1993 after it was recognized that teens were a large and vocal part of the community. The TAC became the PPYC in August 2004.  

The PPYC is made up of 25 members and five alternates.  These members serve on one or more PPYC committees. 

How to join PPYC: 

To apply to be a member of PPYC, please contact Jennifer and request an application.  Please contact Jennifer for more information about Teen Congress as well. 


Webmaster [email protected]
Last modified: 02/13/06